Individual and Trauma Work:
Sometimes relationship work happens with just one person. Perhaps you are struggling with issues that haunt you from the past. Sometimes you want to figure out why you are handling your relationships the way that you are. Some issues that Diana works with in individual therapy are:
Relationship Addiction: When you can see that you choose relationships that hurt you emotionally or physically. But you just can’t make a change. Or you feel such a deep connection to someone that you are unable to disconnect from them at times when you need to.
Trauma when you find yourself dealing with painful experiences from the past that at times interfere with your way of interacting in day to day relationships or situations.
Relationship Change that begins with one person: One person can begin the change for a relationship. When you long for change but your partner is not open to seeing a therapist. Diana believes that change can begin to happen with just you. Taking that first step to make things different in ways that you need can lead to differences in way you and your partner respond.
If you are wondering if individual work might be right for you contact Diana today to begin to make the changes you are longing for.